On the sets of Bhooth Bangla, Akshay Kumar celebrated his birthday and viewed Priyadarshan as a "mentor."
In a special Instagram post, Akshay Kumar wished Priyadarshan a happy birthday on his 68th birthday. Hera Pheri, Hungama, Dhol, De Dana Dan, Chup Chup Ke, Garam Masala, and Bhagam Bhaag are just a few of the cult great comedies from the early 2000s that were directed by the celebrated Indian filmmaker Priyadarshan.Akshay Kumar appeared in the cast of most of Priyadarshan's comedies, including Hera Pheri, De Dana Dan, Garam Masala, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, and Khatta Meetha. With these films, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan become one of Bollywood's most recognizable director-actor teams.
As they reunited for their next film, Bhooth Bangla, Akshay Kumar conveyed his appreciation. Their partnership, which dates back to the 2000s, is entering a new phase. He posted a behind-the-scenes photo from their latest film, in which they appear to be smiling over something.
"Happy Birthday, Priyan Sir!" Akshay wrote. Spending the day on a haunted set with ghosts—both genuine and unpaid extras—is the ideal way to celebrate. I appreciate you being my tutor and the only one who can turn turmoil into a work of art. I hope you have fewer retakes today. I hope you have an amazing year.
On the set of Bhoot Bangla, it appears that they celebrated the director's birthday.Akshay Kumar wore a green jacket over a black t-shirt and a black fedora. This quirky style is probably going to emerge in the film itself, even if it could seem overdressed for a behind-the-camera meeting. However, only time will tell.
The reactions of fans
Fans are unable to get enough of this legendary pair. A fan tweeted, "Akshay sir + Priyan sir = Blast " in response to their dynamic.
Another added, "Pic of the decade kya bonding dikh rahi hai dono me ," addressing the strong bond between the actor and director. (The decade's best picture! The two are genuinely united in their friendship.
Another fan said, "The hit machine is back," highlighting the pair's entertainment value and bankability, which is demonstrated by their prior flicks.
"Goat Actor Director duo Can't Wait For Bhooth Bangla happy birthday," a fan remarked, expressing great excitement for their upcoming film.
Additional information on Bhooth Bangla
After 14 years apart, Akshay and Priyadarshan are back together in the horror-comedy Bhooth Bangla. Priyadarshan is the director of Bhoot Bangla, and Akshay Kumar plays the main character. The film's first poster has already been made public. In 2025, it is anticipated to be released in theaters.