Review of the Deva trailer: On January 31, 2025, Shahid Kapoor's flick Deva will be released. The trailer has created a lot of discussion on social media because of its stunning imagery and violent action. It centers on a disobedient police officer and was directed by Rosshan Andrew.
Trailer for Deva: Shahid Kapoor's next movie, "Deva," was unveiled on Friday and is scheduled to open on January 31, 2025. An early look at the action-packed movie from Bollywood sparked a huge online social media response."SHAHID KAPOOR ROARS AS A FEARLESS COP," wrote film trade expert Sumit Kadel in a post on X following the publication of the film's trailer. "After a strong reaction to the #DevaTeaser, here's the electrifying #DevaTrailer," said Taran Adarsh, another film business analyst. Before its release, this #ShahidKapoor film is striking all the right notes.
The captivating teaser elicited significant reactions from netizens, with some expressing enthusiasm for the film and others referring to it as a blockbuster. "Excellent trailer," said one user. #deva will win the hearts of the audience. "#DevaTrailer raises the bar with Shahid Kapoor's intensity and Pooja Hegde's charm," a second person said. One person commented on the background music, saying, "BGM next level."
Some viewers said, "I think it's a Telegu movie 'GOLIMAR' remake," implying that the film appears to be a remake. I could be mistaken, but the teaser adds Shahid Kapoor's aura while still conveying the same feelings. "The trailer makes it look like the same plot as Mumbai Police," said a fifth user. "Clearly dikh raha hai ki it's a remake of Malayalam film Mumbai Police directed by Roshan Andrew," retorted a sixth user.
Concerning the film
Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulatie, Pravessh Rana, and Kubbra Sait co-star with Shahid Kapoor in the Rosshan Andrew-directed film. This film, which was produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, centers on a smart but disobedient police officer who, while looking into a well-known case, discovers a network of dishonesty and treachery.