Saif Ali Khan, a Bollywood star, was stabbed after a struggle with an intruder in his house. The event is being investigated as a robbery attempt, and the police have detained a suspect who is thought to have run away towards Vasai Virar.
News of Saif Ali Khan's attack: According to NDTV, a major suspect was apprehended a day after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Mumbai residence after a protracted manhunt that involved gathering technological information and sending out police informers all across the city.Around 2:30 am on Thursday, an intruder attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in his apartment on the eleventh floor in Bandra. The incident apparently happened at the actor's house when an intruder confronted his maid. The actor suffered many stab wounds as a result of the violent struggle that broke out when Saif tried to step in and defuse the situation.
According to ANI, Mumbai Police earlier in the day stated that the hunt is underway to find the suspect in the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was last seen close to Bandra railway station.
Police believe that following the crime, the suspect boarded the morning's first local train and traveled to Vasai Virar. According to an official, Mumbai Police teams are conducting searches in the regions of Vasai, Nalasopara, and Virar.
The Lilavati Hospital reported that later in the day, the actor's family and the medical staff will determine whether to transfer him from the intensive care unit to a regular ward.
A member of the team looking into the attack on Saif, Dixit Gedam, DCP Zone 9 of Mumbai Police, stated that the incident was a "robbery attempt" and that the perpetrator entered Saif Ali Khan's home via a fire escape stairway.
"Last night, the accused entered Saif Ali Khan's home via a fire escape staircase," Gedam stated. It seems to be a robbery attempt. We working to arrest the accused. 10 Detection teams are working on the case. An offence has been registered in Bandra Police Station.”