ISKCON's Director (CSR), Madhukant Das, told PTI that the company's one kitchen can serve between 30,000 and 35,000 people in a single session, and that over a lakh people are fed in three sessions per day.
According to a representative of a spiritual organization, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), in collaboration with the Adani Group, is feeding about a lakh people every day during the ongoing Maha Kumbh.ISKCON's Director (CSR), Madhukant Das, told PTI that the organization's one kitchen at a camp on Harshvardhan Marg here can make meals for 30,000 to 35,000 people in a single session, and that over a lakh people are fed in three sessions daily.
The diet at ISKCON is well-balanced and includes dal, chole or rajma, rice, roti, and vegetables, as well as desserts like boondi laddu or halwa. He explained that the reason these meals taste so good is because they are cooked on a clay stove over a fire of wood and cow dung cakes.
According to Das, food is being served at 40 locations across Prayagraj, including bus stops, train stations, and a number of holding areas where the throng of worshippers is stopped on the major bathing days.
Additionally, he disclosed that 15,000 workers who are cleaning the fair and its environs are also receiving the food. Netra Kumbh in Sector 6, Khusrobagh next to the Prayagraj intersection, and ISKCON are the three kitchens that ISKCON has established across Prayagraj.
Six months before to the start of the fair, cow dung cakes are prepared because ISKCON visits every Kumbh.
Additionally, Das stated that the Adani Group has given 100 cars for the distribution of food.
The Adani Group and ISKCON are contributing three to three and a half thousand volunteers. He noted that the entire endeavor is environmentally beneficial and that no plastic is used during the 45-day event.
According to another ISKCON representative, ISKCON's ability to give food prasad has expanded eight to ten times since the Adani Group joined forces.
According to a representative of the Adani Group, employees are really excited to participate in the Maha Kumbh Mela.
Unexpectedly, 4,000 people applied in a single day after the company created a webpage to provide services.
According to the officials, executives from the Adani Group at the vice president and general manager levels will also be attending this exhibition. Officials and workers from the company are arriving in groups of 100 to 150 to serve.
Additionally, Das stated that the Adani Group has given 100 cars for the distribution of food.
The Adani Group and ISKCON are contributing three to three and a half thousand volunteers. He noted that the entire endeavor is environmentally beneficial and that no plastic is used during the 45-day event.
According to another ISKCON representative, ISKCON's ability to give food prasad has expanded eight to ten times since the Adani Group joined forces.
According to a representative of the Adani Group, employees are really excited to participate in the Maha Kumbh Mela.
Unexpectedly, 4,000 people applied in a single day after the company created a webpage to provide services.
According to the officials, executives from the Adani Group at the vice president and general manager levels will also be attending this exhibition. Officials and workers from the company are arriving in groups of 100 to 150 to serve.