Speaking at the teaser launch ceremony for the Telugu film "Mazaka," which stars Anshu Ambani, the director made disparaging remarks regarding the actor's physical attributes.
In a self-recorded video, Tollywood director Trinadha Rao Nakkina apologizes to actress Anshu Ambani for causing controversy with comments about her body. Trinadha Rao Nakkina made it clear in the video that he had no malice in his remarks on Anshu Ambani."My remarks at the Mazaka teaser release event were unintentional; I just did it to make everyone laugh," the Telugu director stated. However, I sincerely regret for those remarks because they have affected a number of ladies.
Trinadha Rao Nakkina said what?
During the teaser launch ceremony for the Telugu film "Mazaka," which stars Anshu Ambani, the director discussed the actor's physical attributes, which were met with anger on social media for allegedly "body shaming."
"I couldn't believe it when she appeared as a heroine in a movie," he remarked. Does she still act that way? She's slim now. Since it is insufficient for the Telugu audience, I just asked her to consume more food and gain weight. Everything ought to be large. It's all right. She has made some progress and will do even better the next time.
What was Anshu Ambani's response?
In response to the apology, Anshu Ambani supported Trinadha Rao Nakkina and asked her followers to put the incident behind her and see her upcoming movie.
Ambani referred to him as the "loveliest man on planet" and said that the Telugu director's comments were misconstrued.
"I think his remarks might have been misconstrued... I've been treated like a part of his family by him. Throughout my sixty days of work on this film, I have received nothing except love, respect, and well wishes. I'm really pleased about the movie, so please, everyone, if we can put this to rest," she remarked.
"I believe that everyone should see the movie for the appropriate reasons. Working with Trinadha Sir has been a true delight. The filmmaker who brought me back to the Telugu film industry was the best I could have hoped for. He has been helping me navigate this process, and I appreciate that. He and the whole team have my undying love and thanks," Anshu Ambani remarked.