The fourth installment in the Dhoom series, Dhoom 4, is approaching. After completing his present commitments, Ranbir Kapoor will soon start filming Dhoom 4.
Following the news of the Dhoom 4 filming, Ranbir Kapoor is making headlines. According to India Today Digital, the Brahmastra actor, who is now working on his next film, "Love and War," will start filming Dhoom 4 in April of next year."Kapoor will need to have a different look for Dhoom 4 and before starting that, he will wrap up his two existing projects," India Today stated, citing a source with knowledge of the situation. "Dhoom 4 is expected to go on floors next April," the person continued.
According to the source, the film's production team is looking for an antagonist and two female leads. According to the source, important candidates from the South are being considered to play the antagonist in the movie.
The Doom series
The highly anticipated Dhoom 4 is the next installment in the popular Dhoom series, which is produced by Yash Raj Films. The most recent installment of the franchise, Dhoom 3, made close to ₹557 crore worldwide. It became one of Indian cinema's highest-grossing film franchises.
In Dhoom 3, Aamir Khan played the adversary, while Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra returned to their roles as Jai Dixit and Ali Khan. In the film, Tabrett Bethell and Katrina Kaif had supporting parts.
Ranbir Kapoor's next films include Love and War, which is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and stars Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in leading parts. Love and military is a romance drama with a military setting that will have its theatrical debut on March 20, 2026.
The film Ramayan, directed by Nitish Tiwari, is also under development. In the Ramayana, the 42-year-old actor will portray Lord Ram, and Sai Pallavi will portray Sita. Yash is going to play Ravana in this tale of myth. The estimated budget for this high-profile film is ₹835 crore, and its release date is set for Diwali 2026.
Animal Park: In addition, there are plans to make a sequel to Animal Park. According to India Today, the three-film Animal franchise, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has officially confirmed.