The temperature in Delhi dropped significantly on Thursday morning, reaching 6.4 degrees Celsius instead of the 8 to 11 degrees the city was experiencing.
Since Wednesday, the cold wave has been getting worse over most of northern India, with Delhi recording a dip in temperature, portions of Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh seeing temperatures close to freezing, and the Kashmir Valley seeing nighttime lows below freezing.The temperature in foggy Delhi dropped significantly on Thursday morning, reaching 6.4 degrees Celsius, as opposed to the 8 to 11 degrees the city had been experiencing for the previous two days.
Although the India Meteorological Department (IMD) recorded Delhi's temperature at 6.4 degrees Celsius at 5:30 am on Thursday, the weather monitoring organization forecasted that the day's minimum would be about 5 degrees Celsius and its maximum would be about 21 degrees Celsius.
In the meantime, Delhi's Air Quality Index (AQI) was still in the "poor" range on Thursday morning, just like it was the day before.
According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board, the air quality at 6 am was 287, falling into the "poor" category.
Weather updates for North India
Rain and snow forecast: According to the IMD, a western disturbance could provide rain and snow later this week in some areas of northwest India. Minimum temperatures in northwest India are expected to drop by roughly 2 degrees Celsius over the course of the next 24 hours, followed by a gradual rise of 2-4 degrees, according to the IMD's Wednesday bulletin.
According to the weather service, there is a high probability of isolated pockets of cold wave conditions over Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Jammu-Kashmir, and Ladakh on Thursday and Friday.
Delhi's temperature plummets: After a beautiful day on Wednesday, Delhi awoke to a generally temperate temperature on Thursday. Noida and Ghaziabad, two nearby cities of Delhi, were similarly hazy. According to IMD's 5:30 am statistics, Delhi saw a significant dip in temperature on Thursday morning, with the mercury hovering around 6.4 degrees Celsius. For the past few days, the city has been registering temperatures between 8 and 11 degrees Celsius at around the same time.
According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board, the air quality in Delhi was classified as "poor" on Thursday morning, with an AQI of 299 at 7 am. An AQI of zero to fifty is regarded as "good," 51 to one hundred as "satisfactory," 101 to two hundred as "moderate," 201 and