The new Amazon Echo Spot costs Rs 8,999 and comes in black and blue colors. It can be purchased at Croma retail locations, on the e-commerce site Amazon India, and on the rapid commerce site Blinkit.
With the release of the new Echo Spot in India, Amazon is growing its line of Alexa-enabled Echo devices. According to Amazon, the new Echo Spot is a smart alarm clock with a small, customizable display that lets users quickly monitor the time, weather, or song titles in addition to setting and viewing alarms. With its front-firing speaker, it may be used as an audio device to play music, podcasts, and audiobooks.Amazon Echo Spot: Availability and cost
The new Amazon Echo Spot costs Rs 8,999 and comes in black and blue colors. It can be purchased at Croma retail locations, on the e-commerce site Amazon India, and on the fast commerce site Blinkit.
For a little time, the new Echo Spot is offered at an introductory price of Rs 6,449.
Details of the Amazon Echo Spot
Eight unique clock faces, visual animations, and several color schemes are supported by the 2.83-inch touch screen display of the new Amazon Echo Spot. Orange, violet, magenta, lime, teal, and blue are the six color themes available for display. For a more customized look, users can even mix and match colors with different clock faces.
With voice commands, users can program the integrated digital assistant Alexa to set up personalized alarms and even select a favorite song to wake up to. Additionally, four new alarm sounds have been added: Aurora, Daybreak, Endeavour, and Flutter. Furthermore, the smart alarm clock has snooze capabilities. Other features, such weather and temperature, are now made possible by Alexa on the new Echo Spot. These features are now shown on the screen with visuals like a sun or rain cloud.
The Echo Spot is an audio gadget with a 1.73-inch front-firing speaker that, according to the manufacturer, produces deep bass and clean vocals. Streaming services like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, and JioSaavn allow users to ask Alexa to play music, podcasts, or audiobooks.When music plays, song titles are also displayed on the device's new, small display. Although the Echo Spot has buttons on top for volume and audio control, users may swiftly skip songs by tapping on the screen.
For compatible smart home appliances, the new Echo Spot can serve as a central location. Through the Echo Spot, users may configure Alexa Routines to use voice commands to automate everyday tasks. This includes managing lighting, music, and even TVs that are compatible. Additionally, the new Echo Spot has an Ultrasound Motion Detection capability that can be used to program it to play music or turn on compatible lights when the user walks into the room.