The price of NMDC shares opened the day higher than expected and reached an intraday high of ₹72.10 on the NSE.
Bonus shares 2024: Early Friday morning saw some selling pressure on the price of NMDC shares. The price of NMDC shares opened higher today at ₹71.84 per on the NSE, the trading ex-date for completing the list of eligible shareholders for the issuing of two bonus shares for every one share. Within minutes after the Opening Bell, it reached an intraday high of ₹72.10 per share. Nevertheless, the bonus share experienced downward pressure and was unable to maintain at higher levels following the profit-booking trigger.
Date of NMDC Bonus Shares Record
"We wish to inform you that the Company has received in-principle approval under Regulation 28(1) of SEBI LODR, 2015, from BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited via their letters dated 16th December 2024, for the issue and proposed allotment of 586,12,11,700 Equity shares of ₹1/- each as bonus shares in the ratio of 2 (two) new equity shares for every 1 (one) existing equity share held in the Company," NMDC had previously reported the bonus shares to the Indian stock market exchanges in an exchange filing.
NMDC provided information regarding the record date for bonus shares, stating: "The Company has set Friday, December 27, 2024, as the "Record Date" to ascertain the eligibility of shareholders for the issuance of the said Bonus Shares."
History of NMDC Bonus Shares
After more than 16 years, NMDC shares are now trading ex-bonus. In order to complete the list of shareholders who are qualified to receive bonus shares, NMDC shares traded ex-date on May 21, 2008. NMDC shares were then traded ex-date for bonus share issuance at a 2:1 ratio, meaning that for every share held by eligible shareholders of the firm, there were two bonus shares.