After six long years, Priyanka Chopra will make her comeback to the Indian film industry with the as-yet-untitled SS Rajamouli project starring Mahesh Babu. Comprehensive Report
Pinkvilla has been the first to provide multiple updates about SS Rajamouli's upcoming project with Mahesh Babu throughout the years. We were the first to let readers know that the as-yet-untitled movie would be a unique African Jungle Adventure, with Mahesh Babu playing an adventurer with traits of Lord Hanuman. After Bahubali and RRR, we now know exclusively that SS Rajamouli is ready to start work on his next epic story in April 2025. The director has cast Priyanka Chopra to play the female protagonist with Mahesh Babu.Priyanka Chopra is expected to return to the Indian film industry with the next Pan World Jungle Adventure, directed by SS Rajamouli, according to people familiar with the situation. The movie is nearing completion and is scheduled to begin production in April 2025. Priyanka was the ideal choice to play the lead part because SS Rajamouli was searching for a female protagonist with a worldwide reach. Over the past six months, the director and PC have met several times, and the interests of both parties have coincided," the insider continued.
After six long years, Priyanka Chopra will make her comeback to the Indian film industry with the as-yet-untitled SS Rajamouli project. The Sky Is Pink was her most recent appearance. "Priyanka Chopra is thrilled to work with Mahesh Babu and a trailblazer like SS Rajamouli to create an unprecedented adventure. Along with the lead actor, Mahesh Babu, the character has plenty of room for action, and it's new ground for her as well. Priyanka has already begun preparing for the movie, and it's a skillfully written character," the source revealed.
Filming on the SS Rajamouli movie starring Mahesh Babu is scheduled to conclude in 2026, with a major theatrical release anticipated in 2027. The filmmaker has been negotiating with Disney and Sony for the past year in hopes of working with a worldwide studio on the movie. In addition to the African forests, the movie will be filmed in US and Indian studios. Keep checking Pinkvilla for additional updates.