Pushpa 2, starring Allu Arjun, has been a huge hit at the box office. In just three days, the movie became the only one in India to surpass the Rs 600 crore milestone.Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2 craze is spreading like wildfire! In just three days, the Telugu hit, which starred Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil, has surpassed its predecessor's lifetime profits. Pushpa 2 continues its record-breaking run by becoming the fastest Indian film to earn over Rs 600 crore worldwide.
Early projections indicate that the movie made Rs 383 crore in three days in India. The movie earned about Rs 115.58 crore net on Saturday in India, surpassing Friday's earnings and bringing the total to Rs 383.7 crore net. The Hindi version brought in the most money, at Rs 73.5 crore, followed by the Telugu and Tamil versions, at Rs 31.5 crore and Rs 7.5 crore, respectively. Pushpa 2 brought in Rs 93.8 crore on Friday.
On its first day at the Indian box office, Pushpa: The Rule broke all previous records and surpassed SS Rajamouli's RRR to have the largest opening of any Indian movie. Additionally, it did better than Atlee's Jawan to take first place for the biggest Hindi film opening.
The movie was the first to earn more than Rs 50 crore in two languages on the same day, which is rather remarkable. Allu Arjun's highest-grossing movie to date is Pushpa 2, which is predicted to shatter even more records this weekend.
Sukumar is the director of Pushpa 2, the follow-up to the 2021 smash hit Pushpa: The Rise. The film explores the compelling story of Allu Arjun's character Pushpa Raj as he faces increasingly difficult obstacles in the dangerous world of red sandalwood smuggling. Additionally, it heightens the intense rivalry between Pushpa and Fahadh Faasil's character, SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat.
At the moment, the movie is doing well in theaters.