The Rs 8,000-crore IPO for Vishal Mega Mart is scheduled to end on December 13, and on December 18, the shares are expected to be listed on the NSE and BSE.
On the second day of the December 12 share sale, Vishal Mega Mart's initial public offering (IPO) received 1.06 times the subscription.According to NSE data at 2:15 PM, bids for 80.25 crore shares were received for the grocery chain Vishal Mega Mart's first share sale, out of the 75.67 crore shares available.
While the category for retail individual investors (RIIs) received 88 percent of the subscriptions, the segment for non-institutional investors (NIIs) received 2.54 times as many.
Twenty-seven percent of the subscriptions went to the qualified institutional buyers (QIBs). It had previously collected Rs 2,400 crore from anchor investors.
On December 13, Vishal Mega Mart's Rs 8,000-crore initial public offering (IPO) will conclude. The pricing range for shares is between Rs 74 and Rs 78 per.
Successful bidders are expected to receive their shares on December 16, and on Wednesday, December 18, both the NSE and the BSE are expected to list.
On December 13, Vishal Mega Mart's Rs 8,000-crore initial public offering (IPO) will conclude. The pricing range for shares is between Rs 74 and Rs 78 per.
Successful bidders are expected to receive their shares on December 16, and on Wednesday, December 18, both the NSE and the BSE are expected to list.
Market watchers keeping tabs on grey market premium activity claim that Vishal Mega Mart's shares are fetching a GMP of about 30% in the unregulated market. A listing gain of 26.92 percent was indicated by Investgorgain's GMP of Rs 21 for the company's shares.
Clothing, general merchandise, and fast-moving consumer goods are the three main product categories that Vishal Mega Mart offers under both its own and third-party brands.