The sound designer Resul Pookutty has informed that Allu Arjun and director Sukumar's Pushpa 3 is ready to go forward. However, after realizing that he had revealed a significant spoiler, he removed his post.Pushpa 3, starring Allu Arjun, is coming soon! Resul Pookutty, the Oscar-winning sound designer, posted a significant spoiler on his studio's X account. He posted an update on December 3rd, indicating that the sound mixing was completed. The picture showed Resul and his group, with Pushpa 3: The Rampage on the big screen behind them. He quickly realized his mistake and took down his X post.
According to his article, Pushpa 3: The Rampage is the title of the third installment.
The damage is already done because the picture is going viral on social media, even though it has been removed.
Sound engineers MR Rajakrishnan and Resul Pookutty verified in a video that the sound level is mixed at a standard level. Resul Pookutty reposted it on X with the words, "You guys, be ready for the trip... #Pushpa2TheRule aaa re le (sic) seat belt baandho.
Vijay Deverakonda's previous post, in which he alluded to the Pushpa 3 title, was swiftly discovered by Allu Arjun's admirers. He wrote, "Happy Birthday @aryasukku sir - I wish you the best of health & happiness!" in 2022 to wish Sukumar a happy birthday. I'm eager to begin the movie with you. Hugs and love. 2021: The Ascent. 2022: The Regulation. The Rampage (sic) in 2023.
Fans of Allu Arjun were thrilled by Resul Pookutty's blunder. They are preparing for a great cliffhanger at the conclusion of Pushpa 2 and have posted posts for Pushpa 3.