Salman Khan's loved ones joined him in celebrating his special day. The Ambanis hosted the celebration at Vantara. Watch the video.
In Jamnagar, Gujarat, the Ambanis threw a lavish birthday celebration for actor Salman Khan, his family, and close friends. Actor and Salman's brother-in-law, Atul Agnihotri, posted a video from the celebration on Instagram. On social media, a number of images and videos from the celebration also surfaced.Salman Khan and his niece Ayat cut a large cake.
Salman was seen in Atul's video holding his niece Ayat while he cut a four-tier cake. He cut the enormous cake twice with a smile. The birthday song was sung and clapped by his friends and relatives. He was spotted wearing jeans and a black top.Ayat was spotted wearing a black and gold ensemble. The enormous cake was stored on a floral-decorated table. Ayat and Salman both have the same birthday.
He is sang to by Salma Khan, Helen, Mukesh, and Nita Ambani.
Actor Riteish Deshmukh, his wife Genelia D'Souza, his brother Sohail Khan, sisters Arpita and Alvira, brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, and his mother Salma Khan were among those present. Additionally, Nita Ambani and Mukesh Ambani were seen singing and cheering for Salman. Fireworks could be seen in the background as he sliced the cake. In the caption, Atul wrote, "Celebrating @beingsalmankhan and #ayatsharma’s birthday."
Regarding Salman's party in Gujarat
Deanne Pandey had previously shared images from the location on Instagram. A big placard that said, "Love (red emoji) you, Bhaijaan," was seen in one picture.Additionally, Deanne shared a photograph of herself holding a picture frame of Salman and his siblings. On Instagram, Sohail Khan posted a picture of himself with his son Nirvan Khan and nephew Arhaan Khan.
Salman got a number of well messages on social media on his 59th birthday. With the message, "Best birthday wishes from Singham to Chulbul," Ajay Devgn posted a humorous photo of himself and Salman, alluding to their well-known parts in Singham and Dabangg. Salman was also wished a happy birthday on Instagram by Shilpa Shetty, who said, "Happy birthday, Rockstar! I hope you always have prosperity, happiness, and excellent health. A ton of affection.
Regarding Salman's latest movie
Salman will act alongside Rashmika Mandanna in AR Murugadoss' next movie, Sikandar.Eid 2025 is the planned release date for the movie. a trailer for the movie that was made public on Saturday. "Thank u all for your birthday wishes.. much appreciated," he stated in an Instagram post. I hope you enjoy this Sikandar teaser. #SikandarTeaser.