Actor Allu Arjun provides sympathy and contributes ₹25 lakh to the family of a woman who passed away at the launch of "Pushpa 2."
Actor Allu Arjun used social media to offer his sympathies and support to the grieving family two days after a stampede during the Pushpa-2 premiere at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre left a mother dead and her 8-year-old kid hospitalized.
In addition to offering to pay for all medical costs to guarantee the affected members receive the finest care possible, he pledged to provide the family ₹25 lakh as a "goodwill gesture."
"We never imagined that we would hear such heartbreaking news the following day when we attended the premiere of Pushpa-2 at RTC Crossroads," the actor stated in a video statement. Finding out that a woman named Revathi died as a result of her injuries and that a family was hurt was really distressing. One of our favorite pastimes is going to the movies, but this occurrence has upset us all.
"Our aim is to provide good entertainment for families to enjoy together," the actor said, warning moviegoers to exercise caution. After watching the movie, please use caution and make sure you get home safely.
He added, "I am deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre," in his statement on X (previously Twitter). My deepest sympathies are with the bereaved family during this unfathomably trying moment. I will personally meet with the family to reassure them that they are not alone in their suffering. I'm determined to provide them every assistance I can during this trying time, while also honoring their right to privacy during their grieving process.
The child is still in a serious condition.
On Friday, December 6, 2024, KIMS Secunderabad, the hospital where the youngster is receiving treatment, issued a second statement stating that he is still in serious condition.
The infant needed to be intubated and ventilated right away because of their low oxygen saturation and erratic breathing. The statement said, "The child's MRI brain showed changes of perinatal insult, with no new hypoxic changes, and the CT chest showed changes related to aspiration."
According to the hospital, the child is on a mechanical ventilator, needs little ionotropic support, and is neurologically improving without experiencing any clinical seizures. The child needs more antibiotics because of frequent fever spikes. The boy has begun using NG feeds, which he is handling well and producing enough urine to give him some optimism. The patient is receiving close observation and intense care while the medical staff attempts to further stabilize him, but the situation is still severe," the statement continued.