Mohammed Shami's possible comeback to international cricket during the forthcoming Test series against Australia has generated a lot of talk.
Mohammed Shami's possible comeback to international cricket during the forthcoming Test series against Australia has generated a lot of talk. Following knee surgery shortly after the 2023 ODI World Cup, Shami made his domestic cricket comeback during Bengal vs. Madhya Pradesh's Ranji Trophy match. When the fast bowler returned, he ended up getting four wickets, and his performance led many experts and fans to demand that he be included in the Test series. Aakash Chopra, a former Indian batter, feels that Shami's return shouldn't be hastened, pointing out that it would be unfair."The Indian selectors are eager to send Rohit Sharma and Mohammed Shami to Australia. On his YouTube channel, Chopra stated, "It's also been heard that the Indian team wants him to play a little more cricket because after just one game a year, the trip to Australia and immediately a Test match can actually be a little too much to ask."
Chopra concurred that Shami, Mohammed Siraj, and Jasprit Bumrah appear to be the ideal attack for the Australia Tests. However, he was quick to note that Shami has to play a "little more" before rejoining the Indian cricket team because he is now "undercooked."
Mohammed Shami participated in one game. Because that match wasn't being streamed, we weren't able to witness much of his bowling. The wickets were visible to us. He's undercooked, I'll say. Because Bumrah, Shami, and Siraj have a distinct ring, you and I want Shami to be present. "You see a little lack of experience there, Bumrah, Siraj, and Akash Deep/Prasidh Krishna," he clarified.
But since Shami hasn't played cricket for a year, it will be dubious to force him into Test matches so soon. It won't be fair if you play a match a year later and then abruptly declare that he ought to play in a Test match.
"Give Shami a chance to perform. We want him to return to playing for India as soon as possible, but sometimes a premature decision causes the gap to widen. Therefore, stay with whoever is present," Chopra continued.
Chopra concurred that Shami, Mohammed Siraj, and Jasprit Bumrah appear to be the ideal attack for the Australia Tests. However, he was quick to note that Shami has to play a "little more" before rejoining the Indian cricket team because he is now "undercooked."
Mohammed Shami participated in one game. Because that match wasn't being streamed, we weren't able to witness much of his bowling. The wickets were visible to us. He's undercooked, I'll say. Because Bumrah, Shami, and Siraj have a distinct ring, you and I want Shami to be present. "You see a little lack of experience there, Bumrah, Siraj, and Akash Deep/Prasidh Krishna," he clarified.
But since Shami hasn't played cricket for a year, it will be dubious to force him into Test matches so soon. It won't be fair if you play a match a year later and then abruptly declare that he ought to play in a Test match.
"Give Shami a chance to perform. We want him to return to playing for India as soon as possible, but sometimes a premature decision causes the gap to widen. Therefore, stay with whoever is present," Chopra continued.